Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun Friday

We had a very full and fun day planned for our last day in Obion County last week.
Aunt Clara made the boys these cute Cars pajamas, and guess who wants to wear his every night!?
Uncle Roy's sitter came at 10AM to stay for a few hours, so we were off and running to enjoy our time. Nicholas was ready to run, can't you tell?
We went to Graham Park in Union City, and it was awesome. There were 2 parts. The first had modern equipment that the boys loved....until they spotted this wooden "castle" across the yard.
I have never seen anything quite like this play area before. It had so many neat things to do that the boys were just running in every direction trying to do it all.
Aunt Clara supervised while I took pictures.
Lee finally found someone brave enough to ride on the tire swing with him. He wanted it to go 'round and round' really fast. Aunt Clara warned him that might not be a good idea.
This is where it all started going downhill....
Someone got dizzy and then got the giggles and couldn't get off the swing.
Still giggling....and Lee bailed on her at this point.
Then she called for someone to help her up. I'm pretty sure she regretted asking.
Look at those sweet faces! I can't believe they stood still for longer than 2 seconds to take a picture.
Aunt Clara had to show them how to slide down the fireman's pole. Lee thought this was hilarious.
So he made Aunt Clara "help" him down.
Lee really wanted to master the balance beam, but he got frustrated after about 5 tries and moved on to something else.
Aunt Clara had the best seat in the house!
Of course Lee found the sandbox and was so excited that it had a digger built in it.
Did I mention it was 100 degrees that day? The boys were SO exhausted and couldn't drink enough water.
Nicholas is quite the poser these days, so he was happy to stop by the creek for a quick picture.
Meanwhile, Lee had convinced Aunt Clara to carry him to the car.....spoiled much?
How do you cool off after 2 hours of non-stop play at the park? By sharing a root beer float, of course!
After lunch, Lee and I went to visit this cutie pie. Brandt's mommy and I have been friends since I untangled her hair from her pencil in first grade. She has been enjoying being a stay at home mom with Brandt for the past year, but she is going back to work to teach 5th graders in a couple of weeks. Lee was fascinated by Brandt and was in his face the whole time we were there. Brandt liked Lee, too and followed him everywhere.
Brandt's cousins, Claire and Leah, were visiting too. I love this picture with all the kids gathered around him. He was the happiest and funniest little guy. We loved our visit with them and are looking forward to them coming to our house soon.
Then it was back to Aunt Clara's to enjoy an afternoon movie with Nicholas. They were snuggled up in the bed and were so cute....after they finally agreed on which movie to watch.
After the movie, it was time to meet Paw for supper at the lake. I was hoping for some sunset pictures of Lee, but the pier by the restaurant was being repaired. By the time we realized it, the sun had gone down too much to move to another location.
I'm pretty sure Paw was distracting him here. Paw doesn't know how serious I can be at picture time. I'll be issuing him a time out the next time he interferes..ha! Reelfoot is heavenly this time of year, so I hope I can get back over there for some pretty pictures. I really wanted to take Lee's picture at the place where I was baptized, and I planned to go the next day, but it rained. After I wrangled Lee and Paw away from the lake, we walked to Boyettes for some yummy catfish. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day.

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