Tuesday, June 2, 2009


VBS went a lot better for Lee today. He still wanted me to go to the rally with him, which was fine with me. It is really fun, and I enjoy learning the songs and motions with him. After the opening rally, he ditched me to go off to his class. His teachers are some of the most creative and artistic people on the planet. I haven't taken my camera yet (shocking, I know!) but I will before the end of the week. You all have to see Lee's room decorated. It's amazing how the church was transformed in just a matter of hours. If I'm this impressed, I can only imagine seeing it through a 4 year old's eyes.

This afternoon, we were able to go and see the pottery that the kids made at Mudslingers last week. Lee was excited to see his work and to show us.
He found his name!
Here is the work he did over the course of 4 days. We got several pictures that the instructors took during the week.
Here is the little artist.
We ended our day at the ball park to watch Hayes. Toward the end of the game, it started lightning, so the game ended early. Lee was still glad he went, because he got to get a snack. He loves going to the concession stand.

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