After playing with some friends this morning, Lee and I went to the library to check out his books for the week. I chose 5 that I thought he would like. Boy was I wrong! He quickly came over to give me his input and chose another 5 books all on his own. I was very impressed with his choices. The Tusas were there getting their books too, so that made our visit even better!
After we left, Lee and I grabbed a quick lunch at Dairy Delight, and then we hopped across the street to Lee's doctor for his 4 year old checkup. Lee got rave reviews from Nurse Angie and Dr. Whitby. He had a hearing and vision test, which he passed with flying colors. He also got all 4 of his shots that he'll need before he goes to school. Mrs. Angie made our day by telling us that we are done with vaccinations until Lee is 12! He did so great getting the shots. I could tell it hurt those precious little legs, but he just held my hands and never cried. Mrs. Angie is terrific at giving shots, so it was over before he had time to get too upset. He has been running a low fever tonight, and I expect him to be sore tomorrow. Getting an ice cream treat and new band-aids afterward seemed to make it all better. We stopped at the grocery on the way home, and Lee skipped his way all through the store. The manager asked him if he just woke up from his nap. I told him where we had been, and he couldn't believe Lee was in such a good mood or had that much energy. After a 3 hour long doctor's visit, I was the one needing a pick-me-up!
This is for Paw-Paw.
While we were at Dairy Delight, "Sissy's Song" by Alan Jackson started playing over the radio. I have heard this song several times, but if I have a choice, I usually change the station when it comes on. It makes me think of my Becky, and it makes me miss her so much. Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of her death. The significance of it has changed over the years, because I miss her no more on that day than any other day. I wish every day that she could know Lee and be a part of his life. Anyway, today while the song was playing, I tried to distract myself by being silly with Lee. After it had finished and another song was on, Lee looked up at me and said, "Mommy, I really love that song about Jesus and his angels. It makes me so happy when I hear it." It was almost more than I could handle at that moment. I came home and listened to it again and now have a new perspective. I will still think of Becky when I hear it, but thanks to Lee's sweet innocence, I will be thankful for the time I had her and will focus on that.
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