2. Before his Christmas Choir concert was cancelled for the third time due to the weather, I asked Lee if he was going to feel weird singing Christmas music in January. He replied, "Why would I feel weird? You still have Christmas decorations out at home." For the record, I do NOT have decorations out in our home. I simply have chosen not to take down our Christmas cards yet. They make me smile, and I want to enjoy them a little bit longer.
4. At Buzz's checkup last week, he had an ear infection, which was his first major illness. He was prescribed ear drops and seems to be feeling better this week. He was at least feeling well enough to play in the snow with his pal, Cutter. The holidays were not kind to Buzz, as he gained from 123 pounds last year to 140 pounds this year! YIKES! Time for spring so this doggie can get some exercise!
5. Wade has been repeating words like crazy for weeks now, but I've joked that they are one hit wonders. This week, his new word has stuck, and if possible, it gets cuter each time he says it. Here's proof....
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