Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh How I Love Lee; Let Me Count the Ways!

Lee has been so funny lately that it has been hard to keep up with the many stories we wanted to share. One of my favorites was the other night when Matt sent him to the recycling can with some trash. He came back and said, "Dad, we just made the Earth happy."

Matt and I have been wondering lately if Wade will look and act like Lee and have some of our favorite traits of Lee's. We love Lee's laugh, and the more tickled he gets, the harder we laugh. I love how his cheeks get pink when he laughs and how the corners of his eyes curl up when he laughs. I hope Wade has fluttery eyelashes that curl just the perfect amount like Lee's and Matt's. I hope he has a dimple like Lee's that is really only visible when he smiles or laughs big. I love Lee's hands that look so small and dainty from a distance, but they feel so big when I'm holding them. I love how loving he is and grateful when we do little things for him. I love that he loves being outside whether it's hot or cold and that he can always find things to do while we're out.

I love that Lee still loves to color as much as he did a couple of years ago. We color or paint something every day. His attention to detail amazes me. The newspaper is sponsoring a coloring contest for Easter, and Lee was eager to participate. The picture that was appropriate for his age had 2 objects to color. He colored it beautifully and then added a sun, grass and more flowers. He wanted to color the other pictures "just for fun" and they were incredible. I really wanted to enter those instead of the one that was for his age category. He might just be an artist when he grows up!

Another new favorite activity is working word searches. It's hard to find ones that are age appropriate though. Even the one above was in a preschool workbook, but it was very challenging for him. I love how he isn't afraid to try new things and the look on his face when he masters something new. Yesterday at school, there was a new poster on the wall about Dinosaurs. It caught his attention immediately, and he started reading it aloud. I was working across the room, but I noticed the room had gotten quiet. I turned around to see his teachers staring at him in disbelief. They didn't know that he could read and were amazed. They kept asking me why I hadn't told them the news, but honestly, Lee can be so shy that even if I had told them weeks ago that he was reading, he might not have wanted to prove it to them. So, I knew eventually they would find out on their own, when he was ready to share it. During the next part of their day, they had Lee come in front of the class and read to them, which he was thrilled to do. My precious boy never ceases to amaze me. He can be SO shy that it's embarrassing sometimes, and then when I think he should be shy, he is an open book.

I heard a commotion in Wade's room yesterday and peeked around the corner to see that Lee had moved the step stool up to Wade's bed and was winding the mobile and playing with all the goodies he got this weekend. I snuck away to get the camera, and when I came back, he was dangling over the rail. Only his feet were visible. I wish I had kept my composure and snapped a picture of that scene before I went to rescue him. It was funny only after his feet were planted back on solid ground. He had a look that was a cross between being scared and thinking he was in trouble.

Note to self: Hide step stool before Wade arrives!

This was right after the rescue. He still looks relieved.

He was very intrigued by the boppy pillow. He put it around his waist and said it made him feel like dancing.

We bought a bat and balls over the weekend to get Lee ready for t-ball, but we couldn't find a helmet. While he was at school yesterday, I finally found one for him. When we came in the door from school, I had the helmet placed where it would be the first thing he saw. I had prepped him that there would be a surprise waiting for him inside. He raced in the door and literally stepped right over it without noticing it. He went into the kitchen and spotted our birthday gifts for Hayes. I was still by the door waiting for him to come back, when I heard him say, "Oh Mommy! This is the best surprise ever!" Then he came running in with Hayes's gift. I told him it was for Hayes and showed him the real surprise. He was still excited, but it would have been a much bigger deal without the competition.
I can not put into words how completely I am enjoying this stage in Lee's life. I can't tell you the last time he truly got into trouble that resulted in a spanking or a timeout. He is so easy going and funny and willing to learn and do anything. He is independent enough that he can play alone for long periods of time while I do other things, but he is not afraid to cuddle with us or love on us in front of others. I say it all the time, but truly, I want to just freeze time and make this stage last forever!

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